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Agility Classes


Level 1

General Description: This class is an introduction to some of the obstacles of agility, including the tunnel, A-frame, and tire jump. We will work on the dog's attention and focus, as well as basic concepts for handler turns and crosses

Goals: By the end of the class, the dog will be able to confidently perform on A-frame,  tunnels, and tire.

Requirements to Advance:

  • Ability to perform obstacles confidently with little physical guidance from handler without undue physical or mental stress.

  • Control on and between obstacles.

  • Dog must have a basic idea of targeting and contact performance. May need reminder treat occasionally.

  • Handler must understand targeting and contact performance concepts.

Level 2

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General Description: This class is a continuation of Intro to Agility. Short, 2-4 obstacle sequences are emphasized, and the focus is on continuing to build on the concepts of Level 1 agility. We will introduce jumping skills and handling. New obstacles include broad jump, dog walk, teeter, and weave poles.

Goals: By the end of the class, the dog will be able to perform off lead with some control, including comfort working on both sides of the handler and proper jumping habits. Consistent performance of contact obstacles with growing confidence.

Requirements to Advance:

  • Show obstacle proficiency, proper jumping technique and off lead control.

  • Ability to perform contacts readily and smoothly with good target behavior. May perform with target dish in place but recognition of behavior is expected.

  • Confidence on all equipment taught to date.

  • Ability to perform a reliable recall - dog comes in most situations.

  • Dog must be able to perform a floor to floor teeter without excessive fear.

  • Dog must understand the concept of weaving. In-line weaving is not required, but the dog should be close.

Level 3

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General Description: This class focuses on short courses utilizing all equipment. Weave poles are solidified. Weaves and teeter are practiced in sequences. There is also a continuation of handling skills.


Goals: By the end of the class, the dog will be able to:

  • Confidently perform all obstacles.

  • Capably perform 6 weave poles in-line.

  • Completely perform introductory handling exercises.


Requirements to Advance:

  • Ability to perform 6 weave poles in a straight line.

  • Dogs must weave independently without handler assistance (i.e. excessive verbal commands, waving hands back and forth and dancing to name a few).

  • Confidence with all obstacles.

  • Able to perform handling and control exercises

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Level 4

General Description: This class will focus on teaching the dog and handler to work as a team. Emphasis is on skills like front and rear crosses.  Dog and handler teams will be working longer courses with more complex handling.



  • Learn directional commands, develop handling (turn, heel, position) and body language.

  • Work with the A-Frame at 5’ and Dog Walk at 4’.

  • Progress with weaving skills, develop independent weaves.

  • Work on varied approaches to obstacles.

  • Build confidence and develop flow in sequences.


Requirements to Advance:

  • Complete comfort on all obstacles.

  • Maintain focus through a 5 to 6 obstacle course.

  • Perform contacts with minimal assistance.

  • Perform 6 in-line weave poles.

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Level 5

General Description: Formerly known as Intermediate Agility, this class will continue to focus on the teamwork of agility, building on skills from Level 4. Students will refine handling techniques specific to intermediate skills. Dog and Handler teams should be competing at the AKC Open category and/or CPE level 3 



  • Intermediate jumping patterns; as well as further develop handling and body language.

  • Threadles, serpentines, and backsides.

  • Work on varied approaches to obstacles.

  • Solidify obstacle performance.

  • Obstacle discrimination.

  • Distance work.


intermediate agility skill sets

General Description: Dog and handler teams will develop complex handling skills with short, challenging sequences that include obstacle discrimination, backsides, serpentines, threadles, and distance work. Dogs should be proficient on all obstacles including 6 straight weave poles, without guide wires.  Appropriate for teams in CPE Level 3 and/or AKC Open Agility

advanced Agility Skill sets

General Description: Building on the same skills as Intermediate Agility Skill Sets with an advanced level of difficulty.  Dogs should be independently proficient on all obstacles including 12 straight weave poles, without guide wires. Dog and Handler teams should be competing in CPE Level 5 and/or AKC Masters category


Perfecting Handling Techniques

General Description: Appropriate for teams in Level 3 classes and up.  We will build on the basic handling maneuvers (front, rear, and blind crosses) to perfect timing and the dog's line.  We will also introduce more advanced handling maneuvers.




General Description: Weave poles can be one of the most challenging obstacles in agility, AND the most fun!  This class focuses on getting your dog to work the weaves independently, hitting the proper entrance from various directions, and quickly driving to the end. It is appropriate for beginners who are doing weaves but need to get that independence, as well as more advanced teams who need more speed, accuracy, or distance. Each team run will be tailored to your skill level. Class size is limited to 5 teams

CPE AGility games

General Description: This is an 8-week course for teams new to CPE trials and want to learn how to play strategy, handler, and fun agility games.  We will cover how to plan and execute the best course for each dog and handler team, and what to expect when you go to a CPE agility trial.  This class will be offered on an intermittent basis.

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